Category: Colombia

COP28/Dubai: Norway announces USD 10 million to forest protection in Colombia

The announcement took place at an event during COP28, where Colombia’s Minister of Environment, Susana Muhamad, presented the Colombian governments ambitious plans to reduce deforestation and create sustainable livelyhoods in the Colombian Amazon “Colombia has achieved a significant reduction in deforestation in 2022, a trend that seems to continue in 2023. Most of the reduction…

Colombia with lowest deforestation in a decade

On July 12th, the Colombian Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Mrs. Susana Muhamad, announced that the country reduced deforestation by almost 30 per cent from 2021 to 2022. This is the lowest rate of deforestation since 2013.

Colombia receives support from Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom for the implementation of their ambitious plan to contain deforestation

Colombia’s government has launched an emergency plan to stop deforestation in the Colombian Amazon. The ambitious strategy consists of working with local communities and indigenous people in 22 deforestation hotspots, reaching agreements to strengthen economic, social and environmental conditions in these areas. International partners praise the ambitious plan, and Norway and Germany will contribute 25 million USD under the Joint Declaration of Intent.

New Deputy Director of NICFI

On her first day as Deputy Director of NICFI, Dyveke Rogan boarded a plane to Bogotá to learn about deforestation issues from one of Norway’s key partners.

Financing forest-friendly cattle ranching in Colombia

The &Green Fund signs loan agreement with Colombian Hacienda San José to scale up their more sustainable business model for the cattle sector. Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) is a major contributor to the &Green fund.

Urfolksrettigheter styrket gjennom regnskogsavtale med Colombia

Norge, Tyskland og Storbritannia forsterker sin skog- og klimaavtale med Colombia, etter at landene forrige uke ble enige om detaljerte mål og forpliktelser. Avtalen skal måles opp mot en rekke milepæler som landene har fremforhandlet, og som skal støtte opp under målsettingen om å redusere avskogingen i Colombia