Latest news
Massive operation uncovers timber trafficking network
Photo: NICFIReady for the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum
US and Norway strengthen collaboration on rainforests
Photo: © Ken OpprannUSA og Norge styrker regnskog-samarbeid
Photo: © Ken OpprannNoen lyspunkter, men fortsatt store tap av regnskog
Teaming up with Google
Satellite imagery enables companies to act early on deforestation risks
Photo: Hege Ragnhildstveit / NICFIStill not a user of the NICFI Satellite Data Program?
Photo: NASAFinancing forest-friendly cattle ranching in Colombia
Photo: Mokhamad Edliadi/CIFORWelcome to NICFI’s newsletter!
Photo: NICFIHelping forest countries make sense of satellite data
Peru reaching key milestones in rainforest protection
Photo: Juan Carlos Huayllapuma//CIFORNorge støtter Perus kamp mot avskoging
Photo: Juan Carlos Huayllapuma//CIFOREcuador’s continued reductions in deforestation attracts new climate finance from Norway
Photo: Norway's Ministry of Climate and the Environment.Costa Rica and Norway team up to kick-start forest carbon market
Photo: Costa Rica's National Forest Financing Fund.Breakthrough for rainforests at climate summit in Glasgow
Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.Gjennombrudd for regnskogen under klimatoppmøtet i Glasgow
Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.LEAF gets carbon market breakthrough
Photo: LEAFLandmark deal to protect DR Congo’s rainforests
Photo: Ahtziri Gonzalez/CIFORColombia får 300 millioner kroner for å trappe opp kampen mot avskoging
Photo: Photo: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Colombia)